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Art Colonies & Summer Schools

Art colonies:

1. International Art Colony „Grupa Krug 360o“, Deszka, Hungary, 9.-16. 7. 2013.

2. VI. International Art and poetry Colony „Krčedin 2013“, Krčedin, 25.-28. 7. 2013.

3. XXI Art colony in Lipovac, Lipovac, Serbia, 23.-30. 6. 2018. g.

4. XX . International Art Colony “Grupa Krug 360o”, Budapest, Hungary, 3.-9.7.2018.

5. V International Artist Retreat and Residency, Tao Hua Tan, Anhui Province, China, Autumn 2019, 10 - 28.10.2019.
6. Graphic workshop Sićevo 2021, Sićevo, Serbia, 21 - 28.6.2021.


Summer schools:

1.  Niš, Serbia, “Summer school of Serigrafía “,Faculty of Arts Niš, 16. - 14.8. 2013.g. 

2. Justiniana Prima, Serbia, “Summer school of mosaic”, 4. - 11.8.2014.g.

3. Novi Sad and Bač, Serbia, “Materials in Cultural Heritage 2019”, 24. - 26.6.2019.


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